Brewster  Hughes's Memorial

Brewster Hughes
(1993 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Brewster Hughes
Nick Name: Booby la
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Dog
Age: 15 years old
Lived: Friday, 28 May 1993 - Friday, 19 September 2008

My Story

Brewster became a member of our family in july 1993.
My mum went to a breeder who was selling labradors,
I didnt know anything about it until she came to my works to see me.
when she left i could hear this crying and whimpering .I started to look round to see what was making this noise , there he was this little brown ball of fluff it was love at first sight.
He was seven weeks old but what a clever dog. we only had him a week and he knew what to do if he needed to go out .He always loved visitors and made a fuss of them especially children. he was so gentle and loved play fighting.
As he got older he knew all the tricks that dogs do. he loved going on to the fields where we lived  and smelling everything.
The time came when i wanted to be a bit more independent and get my own place and take brewster with me. That was ten years ago.
I would go to work and i knew when i got back home he would be at the door waiting for me to come home and what a greeting i would get.
Years would pass and still he would be so loyal. even when  i was ill he was there to comfort me like he knew i needed a kiss or a cuddle. he never left my side.
In february 2006 brewster became ill. i took him to the vets. he said that he had a heart condition but it could be treated.He had to have tablets three times a day to control it , but as with older dogs other things started to go. his sight was the next but he could manage to do things.
But this past year his legs started to go weak more so the last couple of months.
We managed but i knew i had to think about his health and happiness. i never got the chance to brace myself for the day when i had to make the right decision.
He had a fit there was nothing i could do i felt so helpless,he past away that night.
I had him cremated the morning after and brought him home so we could be together. i had a portrait done of him when he was little, so ive placed him under his picture.
Its only  been a couple of days since he pasted away and the pain of losing him so quick is hard . I will always love and miss my best friend. xxx


Latest Tributes

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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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Mummy wishes u was here to comfort her missing u so much
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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mummy misses u baby 1 year since you have been gone lv you xxx
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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Happy birthday baby mummy misses you loads xxxxx
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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hello baby, wishing you was here missing you lots, love you lots xxxx
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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hi baby, still missing you lots lv you xxx
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: catfish
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Hi Debra, I’m sorry for your loss, Brewster was a handsome dog. Thanks for your nice words in regards to Fred. I co...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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hi baby its been six weeks since you past away,mummy is missing her slops and tickles and your cheeky face ,hope you...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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Hi baby its been four weeks since you went away i miss you every day. but i just remember all the cheeky things you ...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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mummy loves and misses you xxxxxxx
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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hi baby mummy might not be able to visit for a while, but i will allways be thinking of you love and miss you lv mummy
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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Luv mummym,carlo,nanan and daddy xxxxxx miss you loads
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: debra
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Nanny is so sad she wasnt here to say goodbye she asked me to send her lv, she will come and visit wen daddy shows he...


Owners Names: Miss Debra Hughes
Country: Great Britain
City: Preston , Lancashire
Traits: loved play fighting, and attention


Favourite Toy: ball
Favourite Place: being with people he knew
Favourite Meal: everything
Favourite Game: tickles
Favourite Trick: giving you something and wanting it back
Favourite Music: soap themes
Favourite Charity: animal
Type of Affection: hugs and kisses
Pet's Peeves: bathtime


Place of Passing: home
Date of Passing: 19 September 2008
Cause of Passing: unknown
Type of Funeral: cremation
Place of Burial: casket
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