PRIDE  's Memorial

(2000 - 2008)


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General Details

Nick Name: PRIDEY
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: seeing eye dog for my grandpa
Breed: golden retriver
Age: 8 years old
Lived: Monday, 28 August 2000 - Thursday, 16 October 2008

My Story

PRIDE was my grandpas seeing eye dog and he got him 2001-2002 and he was the best seeing eye dog around and everyone loved him he was the best dog and  i no everyone that knew him misses him and i  know  i do becausei am crying right now and he had a specail place in everyones heart and i hope he passed peacefully and not in pain i will never forget him and i know that no one else will either and was hoping not to right a memorial right now or even close to know and when i heard the news i broke down in tears and i just want him back. I didnt expect this would happen and it is right before christmas and we are going to disneyland and i wanted PRIDE to come and i now that this is hard for you guys and me but we have to get through it and we all know it was his time and we will never forget him. WE LOVE YOU PRIDE AND WE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU AND YOU ALWAYS HAVE A SPECAIL PLACE IN MY HEART AND OUR HEARTS.

Latest Tributes

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Memory Memorial Tribute
From: PRIDE08
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i remeber when PRIDE gets all excited to see us when we come to the mall and he is always in a good mood and you alwa...
Comment Memorial Tribute
From: PRIDE08
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i hope PRIDE had a wonderful live and it was his time we love you PRIDE
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: PRIDE08
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Owners Names: lea and ray taylor
Country: Canada
City: edmonton
Unique Markings: beatiful golden silky hair and he was one good dog


Favourite Meal: cheese and his dog food


Place of Passing: he wasent feeling welll went to vet passed there;(
Date of Passing: 16 October 2008
Cause of Passing: we think stroke
Type of Funeral: he will be burned into ashes and lea and ray will keep them
Our Wishing Well

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699 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: PRIDE08 on 17 October 2008    |     Back to Top

Our Wishing Well