Payne  's Memorial

(2000 - 2013)


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General Details

Name: Payne
Nick Name: P-Payne, Daddy's boy, Mama's baby
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Dog
Breed: Shitzue/Parm
Age: 12 years old
Lived: Tuesday, 6 June 2000 - Sunday, 2 June 2013

My Story

His passing : 6/2/13 This morning Payne got very bad and we rushed him to the Animal hospital here in Lewiston, where he was sedated and then we traveled with him to Scarborough to that animal hospital only to have the neurologist tell us that the tumor if that was what it was had traveled to his brain and this was causing him neurological symptoms not being able to walk and seizures and Larry made the heart wrenching decision to not allow him to suffer, as his prognosis was bleak, they could treat and he would at the most have a few weeks left with us, so we said goodbye. 3 weeks ago Payne was rushed to the vet for reverse sneezing and nasal bleeding, he was placed on something for allergies, and antibiotics, the Vet couldn't rule out cancer at that time, and we waiting to see how he did on meds before doing a nasal scope and biopsy, unfortunately he took a turn for the worst with bleeding three times yesterday and this morning was very hard for him. Payne came into my life in 2004 after being with a Daddy's boy for four years he warmed up to me and he fill a very special place in my heart, that no one else will be able to fill, no one can take his place and I will forever love my Mama's boy, my good man, God I wish he were still here with me, but I don't ever want to see him in pain or wondering if he is suffering, I know he will be waiting for me.

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: MamasPayne
Song Name: "How do I" - Live...
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: MamasPayne
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Payne, I pray to God every moment that we chose the right thing for you, I hope you know and understand how much ...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: MamasPayne
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Payne, Mama and Daddy will forever miss you, you will be always loved and never forgotten.


Owners Names: Larry & Lynn C.
Other Family Pets: George, Bella, Sophia, Odd Ball
Country: USA
City: Lewiston
Unique Markings: cute underbite
Traits: Loving, always wanted to be with daddy, and always taking naps with mama.


Favourite Toy: His bones and pull toys
Favourite Place: His end of the couch, near mama
Favourite Meal: Balonie, hot dogs
Favourite Trick: "Tell daddy a story", Show me the big, one" "Pretty boy"


Place of Passing: Scarbrough Animal Hospital
Date of Passing: 2 June 2013
Cause of Passing: Nasal tumor/spread
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Place of Burial: Ashes to remain at home
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981 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: MamasPayne on 3 June 2013    |     Back to Top

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