Spotty  Spot's Memorial

Spotty Spot
(1997 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Spotty Spot
Nick Name: who whos
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: dog
Breed: Boston
Age: 14 years old
Lived: Monday, 21 July 1997 - Friday, 6 July 2012

My Story

Spotty was a very funny boston. We got him from our parents, they raised boston and nobody wanted spotty because he had to much white, that  was good for us we took him home!! He was rowdy, he would bounce all over the place.He loved to sit by the firepit with his buddy winston & duke !! He liked to go bye bye and loved to go to the park and see the ducks!! Spotty turned out to be our sons dog as he grew up even though our son moved out we couldn't let spotty go!! He loved to chase squirrels .One day spotty was chasing a squirrel and caught up with it and they went tumbling across the yard. Not sure who was more scared the squirrel or spotty they both took off different directions!!Spotty was a little guy but thought he was a big tough boy.Spotty had a good long life. Spotty loved christmas mornings he knew he had presents,he would bark at his presents waiting to get all his new toys and a special treat, him and all his buddys christmas morning !! Spotty went completely blind by the age of 14 but he got around so good it was amazing.!! Spotty we do believe he must of had a stroke he just kept going in circles, didnt know where he was and wouldn't sleep at all so we had to put him to rest.It was a hard year we lost our spotty then our Winston T Mcclde the following month then our mama cat in october she was 25!! We love & miss our little who whos you will be in our hearts forever!!!

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Luce
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Happy Birthday Spotty Spot !! Miss you and your always in our hearts and thoughts!!
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Luce
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Miss you lots spotty spot love you always!!
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: Luce
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It will be a year tomorrow our little spotty spot since you went to the rainbow bridge, we miss and think of you in o...
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Midian
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Here is a flower for Spotty. Bostons have such amazing personalities.


Other Family Pets: dogs
Country: USA
Traits: rowdy/great sleeping buddy


Favourite Toy: tug a war ropes/balls
Favourite Place: laying in the sun
Favourite Game: playing tug a war with duke
Favourite Trick: pawing which hand had the treat


Place of Passing: vets
Date of Passing: 6 July 2012
Cause of Passing: stroke ?
Place of Burial: home
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2,866 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Luce on 8 February 2013    |     Back to Top

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