Zack  Wombell's Memorial

Zack Wombell
(1994 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Zack Wombell
Nick Name: Zoobin
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Dog
Breed: Border Collie
Age: 13 years old
Lived: Monday, 31 October 1994 - Saturday, 21 June 2008

My Story

It only feels like yesterday that we got you. You arrived a few days before Christmas; I remember it so well because I had been helping mum & dad sell Christmas tree’s, we needed to get £75 up together so that we could pay for you. You arrived in the evening after a long car journey with your brother George, we chose you over George because you were such a handsome boy & you had been less car sick than George, little did we know that in the years to follow, you would be the worst travel sick dog we had even known. Myself & Rob got to name you & we chose the name ZACK because it was the name of the human being out of Ferngully, which we were constantly watching around that time. I was six, just turning seven when we got you & I feel like I have grown up with you, there isn’t a memorable part of my life so far, that you haven’t been apart of. You will be remembered by most of our friends & family because of how you used to talk & howl, I always thought you were more human than dog. You were always a keen stick catcher in your prime, if we started throwing sticks for you on a walk, we would never be able to stop because you would lay down with the stick on your paws & as we would try & walk past without picking the stick up, you would look up at us with your big brown eyes, we just couldn’t resist. Another one of your favourite past times was badminton, it came to a point where we would have to shut you indoors whenever we wanted to play badminton because you used to wear yourself out running backwards & forwards & yapping. You were also the best squirrel spotter & dad used to love taking you out with the gun, because you used to spot the squirrels up the trees & tell dad where they were. You were never a good mouse or rabbit catcher & often when you did catch one, you would be so surprised that you just used to crush them in the middle, meaning usually mum would have to finish them off for you & as for birds, you were no good at all when it came to feathers, but that never mattered because your real forte was sheep. In the month of February you used to come into your own, mum & dad couldn’t leave the house without you close behind, you always had to be in on the action when if came to lambing our sheep. Often you would just sit & watch them for hours; you always had to have the best view though. You were always such an intelligent dog, I know that all collies are meant to be intelligent, but you were so much more than the others, even up until recently we could still go out for a walk in the pouring rain come back indoors, take you into the garage & say “Shake zack, shake” & you would shake all the rain out of your coat, so that you could go into the kitchen. If you weren’t out working with the sheep, or in the garden with a stick you would usually be found led on the sofa in the living room, this was your territory & usually I would end up sitting on the floor because you would give be as little bum space as possible, so that I would be so uncomfortable I would give up & let you have the whole sofa to yourself. My fondest memories of you in the living room is when you & dad used to lay on the floor together & you used to roll around & rub your back on the floor, sometimes you would end up catching dad in the face with your paw, but he never really minded. Mum used to come in soon after you had finished on the floor with dad & moan about the amount of hair you had left stuck to the carpet, but we would all have you back in an instant, however much we used to moan about your bad habits. Thirteen & a half years you have blessed our lives, in those years, many other dogs & people have been & gone but you were always a firm fixture, it will be very difficult for any of us to imagine our life & our home without you in it, especially for dad. I have often thought about the fact that one day you would die & not be apart of our lives anymore, but I never truly thought it would happen, purely because you have always been there. You have taken many a young pup under your wing & although in the first few weeks of them being in your home or yard you were very grumpy & disinterested in them, soon you realised they were here to say & you looked after them very well. Zack, there isn’t a dog more loved or missed than you. You will always be remembered & no other dog will compare to you. You have given our whole family so much enjoyment & love.

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Incense Memorial Tribute
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Happy Birthday my gorgeous boy. Hope your having a great day. Lots of Love, Lizzie. xxxx
Heart Memorial Tribute
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I still miss you everyday Zack. I don't know when this is going to get any easier fro me. I hope your happy where eve...
Flower Memorial Tribute
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Still finding it so hard to deal with Zack. I miss you so very much. I know that mum sees dad go the cherry tree that...
Flower Memorial Tribute
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It over a month now sinse you passed aaway Zack & I still feels so strange going up to mum & dads & not seeing you th...
Candle Memorial Tribute
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I haven't stopped thinking about you since you passed away. I am so glad that me & mum got home from holiday before y...


Owners Names: Jon, Val, Elizabeth & Robert Wombell
Other Family Pets: Des, Ross & Glenn
Country: United Kingdom
City: Winchester
Unique Markings: Tri coloured
Traits: Being able to talk, spot squirrels in trees, round up sheep.


Favourite Toy: Stick
Favourite Place: Garden or Living room
Favourite Game: Badminton or stick catching
Type of Affection: Loves to roll & scratch back on living room carpet & be rubbed & made a fuss of


Place of Passing: Kitchen at home
Date of Passing: 21 June 2008
Cause of Passing: Old age
Place of Burial: Cherry Tree
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1,412 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: Luvlylizzie21 on 9 July 2008    |     Back to Top

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