Cooper  's Memorial

(1999 - 2010)


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General Details

Name: Cooper
Nick Name: Coop
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Dog
Breed: Chihuahua
Age: 11 years old
Lived: Friday, 1 January 1999 - Sunday, 12 December 2010

My Story

Cooper came into our lives in the Spring of 2004.  Dad found him while riding his bike.  I had always wanted a dog, and I could not have been happier.  We called local shelters and they said that if in ten days he was not claimed we could keep him. After the shelter told us the good news, we discovered we knew the owner.  He called and asked if us kids were attached, then he told us to keep him.  Cooper and I were best friends instantly.  I hated being away from him.  4 years ago we were told Cooper had congestive heart failure.  We were all very sad, I didn't really understand.  Cooper had lots of fluid around his heart, which made it much larger than normal size. Mom says it best, "we always knew you had a big heart Cooper." Even the vet was surprised how long he made it.  He is quite a fighter.  Every single memory we have of Cooper is great.  He used to great me when I came home by jumping up on the highest part of the couch and perk his ears up and wag his tail.  Sometimes he would just poke his head above it to see me.  When it snowed he wouldn't go outside so he stood over the threshold and still managed to pee outside.  He didn't like playing with other dogs so he would fake a hurt paw; this was most evident on camping trips.  He came everywhere with us: Canada, Disney World, even to our brother's wedding.  He would stand on his hind legs and spin in circles when we had cheese.  He'd lay on the floor with us and scratch the carpet when he wanted to be pet.  he even held down our hands and faces to show us love.  I miss you Cooper and I love you.  We will always be best friends.  

I cannot wait to see you again.

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: cabjerkhumor
Song Name: Happiness
Artist: Clark Gesner
View Memorial's Tribute
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: cabjerkhumor
View Memorial's Tribute
love you best buddy, and I always will


Owners Names: "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Traits: "The Doggie Walk" and "Cheese Dance"


Favourite Toy: Cooper was afraid of toys
Favourite Place: home, or in the RV, just with family in general
Favourite Meal: Cheese, and the table food dad snuck to him
Favourite Game: get as close as possible
Favourite Trick: doggie walk
Favourite Charity: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Type of Affection: all types
Pet's Peeves: other animals


Place of Passing: home
Date of Passing: 12 December 2010
Cause of Passing: CHF
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1,373 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: cabjerkhumor on 6 January 2011    |     Back to Top

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