ELI  's Memorial

(1993 - Unknown)


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General Details

Name: ELI
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Cat
Breed: Tabby - Domestic Shorthair
Lived: Monday, 30 August 1993 - Unknown

My Story

OR JANIE AT 662-216-0317

In the summer of 1993 a small brown striped kitten in Federal Way, Washington found its way to a condo window. Jerry, a high school student at the time, let him in and gave him a saucer of milk and a name - Eli. From that point on Eli became a member of the family.

Through the years Eli has seen his daddy leave for college, leave to join the army and leave to fight in Iraq. Eli has found homes in Federal Way, Pacific, Olympia, Auburn, and, most recently Seattle, Washington. He loved to visit his grandparents in Woodburn, Oregon and his Grandmom in Monroe, Washington. Eli saw many brothers and sisters pass through his home, including Sophie, missing since 2005, the late Tony, Jake, Felix and Simon.

Eli had many nicknames, one of which was Munchkin Kitty. Despite his age (15 years) he remained small and fit with the energy and playful spirit of a much young cat. Eli was also known as Race Car Kitty. He loved to jump in boxes, and loved it even more when his daddy would push him around the living room making Vroom Vroom sounds for him. Eli would sit and beg for food just like a puppy. Fresh french fries from Jack in the Box were his favorite! His parents could always count on Eli to wake them right on time with the tickle of whiskers in the ears or a gentle bit on the nose. After meals Eli could be found curled up on his back in the middle of the living room – the very picture of happiness! Eli loved his Daddy so much and would sit his lap for hours while he was at the computer.  When he wanted a scratch on the head he would do "wheelies" - little jumps to catch your attention.  Eli was loved so dearly for his unique personality.

While his daddy was in Iraq in 2005 Eli stayed with his mommy, Jennifer, and made sure that she was never left all alone. When Jerry and Jennifer were married in 2006 Eli became their furry little child. It was Eli that made them more than just a couple, he made them a family. Eli was so much a part of their family that when the time came to relocate from Seattle Washington to Fort Benning Georgia Jerry and Jennifer could not imagine leaving him behind.

On the morning of September 30, 2008 Jerry and Jennifer stopped at a rest area in olive Branch, Mississippi. Eli was restless and was being let out for a quick walk. He was secured with a blue harness and leash. Something frightened Eli and he ran from his parents very suddenly. After two hours of searching his collar was found and it was realized that Eli now has no identification. After six hours of searching, his heartbroken parents had no choice but to continue on their way to Georgia. That evening Jerry and Jennifer cried together over one of the greatest losses they have ever experienced. 

Please do not give up hope for Eli’s return. He’s a hunter and a fighter, and he has made miraculous come backs in the past. Eli's parents are even offering a reward for his return.  Please keep Eli in your thoughts and prayers. Believe that he will soon be found and returned to his loving parents. Please keep the wonderful people of Olive Branch, Mississippi in your thoughts as well.  Their compassion and eagerness to help find Eli has been very moving.  Thank you all.

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Heart Memorial Tribute
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Eli was a handsome little gentleman. I'm sure he's a handsome woodland kitty now. :)
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: JLJensen09
Song Name: Roll Black Water
Artist: Doobie Brothers
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Whenever I hear this I just like to think that after two years of living in a...
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: JLJensen09
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I'm still waiting for you to come home. We miss you so much and we just want you home for Christmas.


Owners Names: Jerry & Jennifer
Country: USA
City: Seattle
Unique Markings: brown stripes with black rings at the tip of his tail
Traits: loves to be on top of cupboards, begs for food, rolls on his back and "plays dead"


Favourite Toy: a sock filled with catnip his Grandmom made him for Christmas
Favourite Place: the top of the entertainment stand or in Daddy's lap
Favourite Meal: canned food
Favourite Game: Race Car with Daddy
Favourite Trick: "Wheelies"
Type of Affection: independant, but very loving


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1,703 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: JLJensen09 on 4 October 2008    |     Back to Top

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