Hugo  Logan's Memorial

Hugo Logan
(1992 - 2007)


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General Details

Name: Hugo Logan
Nick Name: Pumpkin
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Cat
Breed: Russian Blue
Age: 15 years old
Lived: Wednesday, 20 May 1992 - Wednesday, 26 December 2007

My Story

Hugo was my best friend during my childhood, teenage and early adulthood life. Never will he be forgotten, missed dearly and forever remembered for being in and apart of my life. He made such a huge impact on my life, he was my world and I was his. We doted on each other and loved being together snuggling on the couch or bed. I loved coming home to see him waiting patiently on the couch near the door. He always followed me wherever I was in the house, wanting to show how much love he had to give me, and I hope I showed him the same amount of love in return.

He loved to hide in boxes, bags or anywhere where it was dark. There is a book called "My cat likes to hide in boxes", to this day I beleive that this book was based on Hugo :-) I remember when I moved house with my family a few years ago, the first time that he had moved house, he lived in my wardrobe for the first couple of months with his blanket. It was such a Hugo trait that after he passed I left his blanket in my wardrobe to remind me of this time.

When we would share a moment he would give me a nose kiss, which was our special way of showing each other affection and how much we loved each other.

Hugo lived to the ripe old age of 15, when we decided to lay him to rest on December 26 2007. He lived with his sister Kelly (R.I.P May 22nd 2009) who has gone to heaven to be with him, she lived to the ripe old age of 17. They were brother and sister, who loved growing up and old together. Never will I see a pair who loved being together as much as they did. They were different in personalities, Hugo being the indoor cat, while Kelly preferred to be the outdoor cat.

They were always happy to be with their owners cuddling, purring or sunbaking in a sun spot in the backyard or inside on the couch. They also loved each other and would love a game of chasey around the house.

I will never be able to replace such a spceial friend, he is my angel. He will always hold a special place in my heart. I would like to share this loving, gorgeous cat with the world.

Hope you, Kelly, Big Puss and Annie are together at the Rainbow Bridge

We'll see each other again and we'll be together forever

Latest Tributes

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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: Claire26
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So many wonderul moments shared Love you xoxo
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: Claire26
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Your memory if filled with love, never will our moments shared be forgetten, love you always my pumpkin
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: Claire26
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The love I have for you will be unconditional and forever just like the love you gave me xoxoxo


Owners Names: Claire
Country: Australia
City: Melbourne


Favourite Toy: He loved his blanket
Favourite Place: Sunning himself inside in a sun spot
Favourite Meal: Dry food: science diet, whatever was on the dinner plate
Favourite Game: Chasey with his sister Kelly
Favourite Trick: Jumping onto my shoulder
Favourite Music: Anything we could dance to, mainly pop
Favourite Charity: RSPCA
Type of Affection: Unconditional, nose kiss, purring, holding hands
Pet's Peeves: Neighbours cats & dogs


Place of Passing: Vet
Date of Passing: 26 December 2007
Cause of Passing: Old age
Type of Funeral: Cremation
Place of Burial: Minature Japenese maple tree, with his blanket
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