3 weeks before my 13th birthday my best friend past away.
Spot was a year older than me and we had him since the day i was born.
I regret his passing due to how i treated him during his last few days.
Because he was getting old, blind, deaf, and the fact i was becoming more busy with school, i started to rarely go outside to play with him, pat him, even to say hello.
Usually after school i'd just come home go through the back, give him 1 or two pats on the head say hi then closed the door behind me leaving him alone.
If i could change ANYTHING, just ONE thing in my life, out of all the even more stupid regretful things i've done that i wish i could take back, i'd choose to go back and spend more time with him.
Even to just to give him one last cuddle.
I'll never forget about spot.
I love him to much still.