Popsicle  Smith's Memorial

Popsicle Smith
(Unknown - 2011)


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General Details

Name: Popsicle Smith
Nick Name: Pops
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Cat
Breed: Tabby
Lived: Unknown - Wednesday, 14 December 2011

My Story

I will never forget how you literally "dropped" into our lives 11 months ago.

We were having sub-zero temperatures, like 20 degrees below zero. The other three animals kept looking outside and acting very strange. I was a bit scared because I thought someone was outside prowling around our home in the dark and I just happened to be at home alone that particular evening. I looked outside but didn't see anything or anyone, so, I went to bed thinking whatever, or whoever, it was would be gone in the morning. When I got up, the other animals continued to act strange, looking outside and up to the roof of the addition on the house. When my curiosity got the best of me, I looked out and I SAW YOU! You were half frozen, literally! I was nervous about bringing you in the house because I wasn't sure if you perhaps carried a contagious illness the other animals could catch, so dad made you a shelter from the cold till I could get you into the vet.

The doctor had to remove half of each one of your ears and over half your tail because frostbite had taken it's toll on you. It took a couple of weeks for you to mend, and let's not mention that "cone of shame" you had to wear around your neck to keep you from tearing the bandages off of your tail, but when you recovered you WERE SO HANDSOME!

When I found you, you had a collar imbedded in your neck, so, on top of freezing you were also slowly choking to death and I am sure it wasn't easy for you to swallow your food. After a couple of weeks in your new home, the collar had long since been removed, so with the weight you had put on since being with your new family, the half ears, and the cropped tail, you looked like a snow leopard, and you quickly won everyone's heart!

Every morning you would be waiting outside our bedroom door because you knew at 7:30 sharp it was canned cat food time! I took many pictures of you as you continued to get fatter, happier, and cuter with each passing day!

You were a bully when it came to our other cat, Faithy, but you were one big chicken when it came to the two dogs and would sometimes jump on top of the refrigerator to make your escape! I can still see you lying on top of that refrigerator eyeing your surrounding until the coast was clear! You made me laugh Pops, and I needed laughter so many times when things got tough for me. You brought me so much joy!

You and I had our issues when it came to you jumping on the kitchen counters looking for any morsel that I may have left by mistake, but now I miss hearing you jump down and hitting the floor to make your escape when I would round the corner! As I think about it today, my heart is happy to know you got a taste of those pumpkin apple muffins I made and left on the counter thinking you would not find them! I get tears as I write this thinking how you must have enjoyed stealing a bite or two from the the half eaten top of that muffin:) The things that used to upset me are now the things I wish I could have back. I would give anything to see you waiting outside our bedroom door anxious for your breakfast, or to see you sleeping in your cat bed all sprawled out looking more like a bobcat resting in our home than just another cat, which you never were "just another cat." I will miss how you used to growl whenever dad would try to hold or just pet you, even though he wanted you to love him, you just didn't care much for men, no matter who they were or how much they bent over backwards to please you. I would just laugh when you would growl, but you would never ever bite or scratch! I think you really loved him didn't you Pops? You were just being a comedian and messing with him,that's what I think:) I will miss how you would only come home, or come in the house, when you would hear MY voice calling you.
You learned your name in only one day. I remember taking you to the vet the very first time and you continued to softly cry in your cat carrier. I would say "Pops, it's okay" and then I would sing to you. You would answer me back with a soft "meow:)

I named you Popsicle because of the circumstances surrounding how you came to us. I lovingly called you Pops, and you gave me love for 11 months. I can't recall when an animal has taken a place in my heart in such a short time, but I will never ever forget you my friend.

When you were found this cold morning in December,you were on your way home. We looked for you everywhere last night, but finally gave up and went to bed, sleeping restlessly all night. We concluded you must have snuck outside when we let Faithy in, but your escape went undetected. You were found only a few feet away from the front yard, you had been hit by a passing vehicle sometime during the night.

You passed one day after my birthday and I thank the good Lord He didn't take you ON my birthday.

Thank you Pops for coming into my life. No matter how many times I called you "that darned cat!" you know I meant it lovingly, just as through all my tears this morning I cried softly, shook my head and said out loud, "you darned cat! At least you died doing what you loved, prowling the neighborhood and then running home for food, a warm bed, and your people who love you. I hope those were the last things that went through your mind before you went "home."

We love you Pops, thank you for choosing us as the ones you wanted to live with for your final year of life on this planet. You will never be forgotten and every time I go down to clean the cat box I am sure I will still be watching at my feet thinking you are there racing me down those stairs, just so you could be with me...some things, like your memory, will never die...good nite Pops...sweet dreams until we meet again...


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Candle Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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love you Pops...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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miss you Pops:(
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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Missed you on this Christmas Day:(
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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Think about you everyday:(
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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love you Pops...
Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
Song Name: up on the roof
Artist: the drifters
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Heart Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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I don't know exactly how many times I have checked to see if you were at the door wanting inside...you are not there,...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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Flower Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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I called your name this morning wanting you to lay on my lap while I had my first cup of coffee...you weren't here......
Candle Memorial Tribute
From: popsmama
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love you Pops and I miss you terribly:(


Owners Names: The Smith Family
Other Family Pets: Tipper, Autzen, Faithy
Traits: one crazy cat:)


Favourite Toy: mom's feet
Favourite Place: mom's lap
Favourite Meal: anything on the counter
Favourite Game: beating mom to the laundry room
Favourite Trick: being cute to get his way
Favourite Music: anything that had his name in it
Type of Affection: a good belly rub
Pet's Peeves: the other animals in the house


Place of Passing: a few feet from his front yard
Date of Passing: 14 December 2011
Cause of Passing: hit by a car
Place of Burial: the country
Our Wishing Well

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1,230 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: popsmama on 16 December 2011    |     Back to Top

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