Rex  Prince's Memorial

Rex Prince
(2007 - 2009)


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General Details

Name: Rex Prince
Nick Name: Footwarmer
Gender: Male
Type of Pet: Dog
Breed: Rat terrier
Age: 2 years old
Lived: Friday, 6 April 2007 - Friday, 20 November 2009

My Story

Rex passed away at the age of two because of cronic lyme disease, I miss him so much! The CLD destroyed his kidneys and I couldn't afford the surgery to get him kidney transplants.

Latest Tributes

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Country: USA
Traits: Loyal, loving, energetic, and doctile


Favourite Toy: Treat Bone
Favourite Place: Foot Of My Bed
Favourite Meal: Homeade Dog Cake
Favourite Game: Find The Treats
Favourite Trick: Lay
Favourite Music: Bethoven
Favourite Charity: ASPCA
Type of Affection: Loyaltyness
Pet's Peeves: Growling
Other Interests:
Playing with other pets.


Place of Passing: Vets Office
Date of Passing: 20 November 2009
Cause of Passing: Cronic Lyme Disease
Type of Funeral: Just Famil
Place of Burial: Backyard
Our Wishing Well

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802 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: PUPLUV on 13 May 2010    |     Back to Top

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