Squeak  Wainwright's Memorial

Squeak Wainwright
(2008 - 2008)


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General Details

Name: Squeak Wainwright
Nick Name: Squeaker, Squeaky
Gender: Female
Type of Pet: Puppy
Breed: Rat Terrior
Lived: Friday, 4 January 2008 - Saturday, 7 June 2008

My Story

Squeak came into our live on February 14 ,2008Squeak was the runt of the liter.  She didnt want to drink from the mother, so she had to be bottle fed.   She was a real fisty little thing.  She was a real watch dog and future attack dog.  LOL!  He bark was worse than her bite. 

On June 7th, 2008, my daughters boyfriend accidently ran squeak over crushing her skull. That was the saddest day.  It devasted all of us.  Although, we only had her for a short time, we grew so attatched to her and still havent forgotten her.

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Date of Passing: 7 June 2008
Our Wishing Well

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586 Visits    |    Online Memorial Created By: NancyCarol43 on 14 January 2009    |     Back to Top

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