Sassy  Evans's Memorial

Sassy Evans
(2010 - 2012)


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General Details

Name: Sassy Evans
Nick Name: Sass
Gender: Female
Type of Pet: Cat
Breed: Short Hair
Age: 1 years old
Lived: Monday, 1 March 2010 - Sunday, 29 January 2012

My Story

This memorial was created to remember an Angel sent by God. Full of Love and Devotion, to Love and be Loved. My Dearest Little Baby Kitty Sassy Evans  Was Born in March of 2010 and passed away at a vet hospital on January 29th, 2012 at the age of 1 year and ten months.

"Little One" You will live forever in my memories and in my heart. I miss how you were always waiting for me by the door when I got home or by my side to wish me good morning when I woke up. You talked to me like you were my little child and showed how much you loved me everytime you gave me kisses. It will be hard to live each day knowing you will not be waiting for me when I get home and the tears of sadness will constantly flow down my face. I thank God for the wonderfull blessings of bringing you into my Life and pray that the Lord will keep you safe and help me get through the pain and sorrow.

I Love You Sassy and will never forget you or the joy and happiness you brought into my families life. Huggs and Kisses always and forever till the day the Lord calls me to Rainbow Bridge where you and I will cross over together and never look back. The Lord is coming Sassy, see you soon. Your little paws left prints in our hearts forever. You will be missed and you were and are forever loved.

 I shall always love you my precious pretty princess Sassy. There was never another little kitty so gentle, sweet, and loving as you. You helped to mend my broken heart through the worst time of my life and then happily rejoiced with me in each new blessing that since has come. I hope that you knew even to the last moment that I adore you and that you shall not be forgotten.

Always thinking of you and waiting until the day when we can be together again.  I cherish all the time we spent together and all the hours you laid on my chest soothing me when I was stressed out. You will always be my little girl! 

You were a True Friend, Companion, Family Member. Always in our heart never to be forgotten. Sassy may you receive the rewards of heaven. We love you!

I thank you for all the joy in my life and the smiles you've brought to me. May God guide you on your journey and may your spirit always run free.

My beloved friend our path must now divide, Our time together is growing shorter by the day, I can already feel the pain of your passing, I am already missing your smell, your touch, I know I shouldn't be selfish in wanting to keep you, bound to this world longer than you were meant to be. You have played such a special role in my life, and came at such a dismal time to bring the light back, I know I must let you go, for to keep you bound, would be to keep you bound in pain. I know our paths will someday pass, when the time is right for both of us, Until then Blessed be my friend blessed be...

To Sassy......a much loved girl who was taken from us too soon. We all love you and miss you!, She was a faithful cat, protecting us all. Rest in peace, for you have more than done your duty.

My kitty sassy was 1 yrs old and passed away on Jan 29th, 2012.  It truely broke my heart as she was the best kitty ever and looked out after me.  She was my best friend and companion.  She was silly at times that's what I loved about her personality at times.  Rest in peace my best friend and we will be together again in heaven one day.  Love and miss you so much.

My darling sassy, I will always remember you with such love and affection my angel. You were there for me in everyway along the years. A trusted friend and companion to me. I hope that you are with Smack Now on rainbow bridge and you no longer feel any pain. Remember to wait for me. I did my very best for you my darling. We had some great times. You will never be forgetten and remembered with such love and will remain in my heart forever.

Oh my darling Sassy my heart is aching I had to let you go Sunday, January 29th, 2012 and I miss you so much my loyal, faithful companion & best friend. I will miss you my wee shadow as you followed me everywhere. I do hope you are playing at rainbow bridge. I feel so empty without you, the house is so quiet and I miss your snoring.

Thanks for all the happy memories Sassy..we will miss you more then you will ever least you are at peace now and you didn't suffer...God bless..

Our beloved kitty Sassy, also known to us as our little girl, we are devastated and can not begin to imagine how we will be without you, now you have departed for Rainbow Bridge 11.20pm on Jan. 29th, 2012,

Sassy our little darling we love you so much. You were our bundle of fun and we are so miserable without you. You were always happy and loved your life and everyone in it. Sassy could not see us enjoying ourselves, unless she was a part of it. Everyone who knew her loved her bubbly personality. Sassy you are such a big miss. When you went you took a part of us with you. Life will never be the same without you. R.I.P little Girl. Until we meet again, I will never be the same.

In memory of my beloved little girl. You were only 1 yrs old & I had to let you go, to take the pain & suffering away. I am SO SO sorry. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you, wishing that I could hold you in my arms & kiss your silky fur. I have to live with this torment every day and it kills me. One day my beautiful one we shall be re~united and become as one like before. Until then....bloodstained tears weep from my wretched soul, and alone I walk the path of sorrow....eternally,

To my beautiful Sassy, I love and miss you so much and wish with all my heart and soul that you were still here with me. You did not deserve to suffer sweetheart and you were so dignified in your illness. I long to cuddle nd stroke you once again and wish you were still lying with me on the bed each night, almost suffocating me when you cuddled up with me. Sweet dreams my gorgeous girl, my little soulmate,

My beautiful Sassy, There's still not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I still think about calling out your name and waiting for you to meow back, I miss that a lot! I still wish you were with us, you had such a cool personality.  I hope you are doing ok and still think of us at home. I miss you, And I love you, we miss you lots,

My Sassy, I still remember the day we got you.You were the cutest cat & I was so excited to have you as my Kitty.You always had a belly for food and love playing with plastic bags!I'm so sorry that you had to go the way you did. I'm glad you were in my arms but I'm so sorry that you were in pain when I was holding you.I miss you SO much, our whole family does. I do hope you are in a better place. I will never forget you, we miss you,

Our precious Sassy - you were tragically taken from us and our hearts will never mend. You were more than a friend, you were our real family member and we will cherish all our happy and loving memories. You brought so much joy to our lives and we know you will be watching down on us knowing that we gave you a very happy life. We love you forever Sassy, sweet dreams baby girl until we meet again,

To our Sassy who left us Sunday, Jan. 29th, 2012. We had you from beginning to the end and the tears and sadness we all have now shows how much you was loved and will be missed. I hope you was always happy and felt loved. God bless,

Latest Tributes

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Song Dedication Memorial Tribute
From: sassyevans
Song Name: Don't Know What y...
Artist: Cinderella
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This song was dedicated to you sassy, We miss you very much!
Memory Memorial Tribute
From: sassyevans
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We miss when you use to meet us at the door every time we came home, We miss the times you like to play with the othe...
Heart Memorial Tribute
From: sassyevans
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We miss you dearly!
Flower Memorial Tribute
From: sassyevans
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Sassy we miss you dearly but know that you are no longer in any pain or suffering, We love you very much!


Owners Names: Carter, Belinda, Mikkel Evans
Other Family Pets: 7 Cats
Country: USA
City: Muskegon


Favourite Toy: Strings, Plastic Bags and Exc.
Favourite Place: Home
Favourite Meal: Tuna Fish
Favourite Game: None
Favourite Trick: Rolling around
Favourite Music: Any
Favourite Charity: American Red Cross


Place of Passing: Muskegon, MI
Date of Passing: 29 January 2012
Cause of Passing: Found Dead lining in Intestine
Type of Funeral: Will berry in Our Back Yard.
Place of Burial: Muskegon, MI
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