Cutie Boy,
Thank you for checkin out this page, my daughter is telling me what she wants on here for her kitty.
This cat did things ive never seen a cat do! My daughter would wrap him in a blanket and he would just fall asleep, just the way she put him. When she went to the bathroom he was right behind her and she always talks bout how he would rub her hand with his head, she use to put him to sleep right next to her, and he always stayed till she went to sleep. He was a really nice kitty, he never tried to scratched any one and he liked to play. When he played trying to catch your hand he didnt scratch he would bite, BUT not hard. He was special even to me. At first he got on my bad side cause he kept using the bathroom under my bed!STINKY! But after we got him his own litter box, he got to my heart too. we love him and we will never forget him. we love you cutie boy and your momma misses you alot!!
It broke my heart when I seen him laying on the side of the road, How was I going to tell my 5yr old her baby got ran over and in front? Well I decided to bury him and not say nothing till I thought about what I would do. She would lay with her kitty she shared her food with her kitty, she cried for her kitty, dressed him and she even woke up asking for him and the night before I saw him she woke up and asked for her kitty at 115am, I told her he was outside with her couzins cat. She went to sleep. The next morning we looked for him caalled him and walked all around, no cutie boy. My daughter said that he probably went to work and he would be home later! Well for 3 days I listened to her ask about her kitty, say she really misses him, she cried for him. Someone said tell her the truth cause she may feel like he ran away cause of her, so i asked her where she thought he was and she kept saying i dont know,he knows i love him, and she was almost in tears. What does a mother do, i cant take the pain away for her, how could i make her feel a little better? So I told her, she was sad and she asked me who, i dont know. Then she was quiet for a minute and i just sat with her holding her telling her its okay. Out of nowhere she said I FEEL REALLY BAD RIGHT NOW Oh how my heart broke. I think i cried alot more than her